Late Dr. D V Rao


It's poetry captured in pictures tantalizingly beautiful, stunning and story telling, it's simplicity and human approach are strikingly different from others. Those were the black and white blow-ups of Dr. D V Rao, which were appearing in leading newspapers and magazines either as exclusive masterpieces or part of his photo features on a varied travel series.

He was honoured the Karnataka Rajyotsava Award in 1982 and the Lalithakala Academy and Sahithya Academy Awards in 1997. At the age of 88 years on the first of January 2000 he founded the Sagara Photographic Society and led as its president till his last day.

My impression on Dr Rao's photographic excellence strikes back to 1960s when I was a student. There were only a few magazines and dailies, which used to publish interesting prestigious photographs apart from the routine News photographs. The artistic element of such photographs made imprints in the minds of many budding photographers, of course, I am one of them.

Those were the days during 1940s & 1950s that there were only a handful of experts who had practiced black & white photography as an art right from preparing their raw materials upto printing themselves. They had developed and used many formulae and styles of their own. The Federation of Indian Photography, the National body founded during that time by Dr. G Thomas was the only national level Organization, which sponsored and encouraged young photographers and photography Club.

Among many eminent personalities, Dr D V Rao was one of few dedicated photographers who stood by Dr. G Thomas and also occupied apex status of President of the Federation for quite sometime. Dr. Rao served FIP as Vice President and also Secretary in different divisions and always maintained his discipline and consistent principle for strengthening FIP. He also brought recognition internationally for Indian Photography. He encouraged many upcoming photographers with his sincere guidance and also has been the cause of starting quite a few photographic associations.

K S Rajaram, AFIAP
